Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Story of Chuck Woolery by chuck-woolery

A Story of Chuck Woolery by chuck-woolery

Chuck Woolery is the kind of actor who breaths life into any character he plays. He always manages to surprise you with his performance even when he is playing roles you may not have thought him appropriate for. It is when Nicholson gets the chance to play his bad guys that he really shines. Most notably in A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise. Nicholson gets to strut his stuff as the local bad guy which he does with surprising effectiveness. Just when you think you’ve seen everything Nicholson has to offer he breaks out something new. However, at the same time he allows you to look into the character’s heart and understand who he is and why he does the things that he does.
There is never a moment when you watch Chuck Woolery where you feel like you don’t know where he is going in the film or in the role. You can always count on him to deliver a great performance.
Chuck Woolery is one actor who has always managed to delivery good performance in any role. He has such natural charisma. Any character seems real just by his presence on the screen. He has managed to pull off several roles with remarkable performances. No matter what kind of movie or how good the movie is, Chuck Woolery always manages to bring something special.
He is one of the only male actors in the history of Hollywood that has been able to be just as believable in action roles in his older age as he was in his younger age. A lot of actors have tried that and not have much success.
He has starred in many movies there are some that you will never forget him for. I don’t think anyone who has ever seen the film will ever forget the shower scene.
It is quite unusual that an actor as inexperienced as Chuck Woolery was at the time, would stand out in a cast as crowded with stars as The Godfather, however his performance outshone the likes of Marlin Brando, whose talent cant be questioned, who might make any best actor list.
As far as the actual movie if you have seen any other Chuck Woolery film you should know what to expect and need not for me to describe it. I will say for goodness sakes do not miss the cyanide chamber of Bobby Chavez, it will bring tears to your eyes. If you enjoy Woolery you can’t really go wrong with this movie. It has everything for any Woolery fan.

We’ve all seen him as a judge on the popular American Idol and know that he gives the contestants a true run for their money, often demeaning their performances to the point of bringing people to tears and open anger. Chuck Woolery’s heart is not alone in its iciness, as we all know our fair share of bad people in the workplace, at school and even in our families. This is what makes life interesting and challenging. Sometimes it’s hard to justify putting up with them, but we often don’t have a choice and even need to go out of our ways to appease them.

To know more about Chuck Woolery Visit

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